DH Research Lab

The Digital Humanities Research Lab is a working group of PhD and postdoc researchers at UGent who are using digital methods in their teaching and research or who are interested in the digital. The group meets on a monthly basis to provide support to each other and to discuss the digital aspects of their own research or other happenings in the DH world. The Lab serves as a space to present work, address DH-related problems, to ask for advice, to network, and to learn about new DH approaches and opportunities. All PhD and postdoc researchers who have an interest in the digital—whether they apply digital methods in their research or not—are welcome to join.


Dr. Julie M. Birkholz

Dr. Julie M. Birkholz is Assistant Professor Digital Humanities at UGent and Lead of the Royal Library of Belgium’s Digital Research Lab.

Her research expertise is in historical social network analysis. From 2017 – 2020 she was a DH Fellow on the ERC Agents of Change Research project ...Read full biography

Leah Budke

Leah Budke is a doctoral research fellow for the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) in English literature. Her PhD project is titled "Markers and Makers of Tradition: The Serially Published Modernist 'Little' Anthology (1912-1930)" and examines the dynamic between the modernist poetry anthology and the modernist magazine to shed new light on the formation of a modernist tradition. As part of this project, she is...Read full biography

Dr. Giorgio Busi Rizzi

Dr. Giorgio Busi Rizzi is a BOF post-doctoral fellow at Ghent University, with the project Experimental digital comics: forms and functions. Because of its focus on digital comics—although the project relies on a critical framework mainly coming from narratology and comics studies—he...Read full biography

Sally Chambers

Sally Chambers is Digital Humanities Research Coordinator at the Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities. She holds a BA in Literature with Psychology, an MA in Cultural Studies and a postgraduate qualification in Information Services Management. In her PhD research, initially titled “From digital collections to digital scholarship: addressing the challenges of using digital...Read full biography

Dr. Joke Daems

Joke Daems is assistant professor human-computer interaction in empirical translation & interpreting studies at the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication. As a postdoctoral researcher, they offered support to the Ghent Centre of Digital Humanities (GhentCDH) on a faculty level for three years (2017-2019), with a focus on digital language and text analysis. They created an overview of faculty researchers' needs and expertise and coordinated the...Read full biography

Dr. Orphée De Clercq

Dr. Orphée De Clercq is a Postdoctoral Research Assistant at LT3, the Language and Translation Technology Team. She is specialized in Natural Language Processing and applies machine learning techniques to various text analysis tasks. Her research focuses on readability and translatability prediction, automated writing evaluation and sentiment and emotion analysis. She...Read full biography

Lore De Greve

Lore De Greve is a doctoral researcher at Ghent University. Her PhD project is titled "Evaluation of literature by professional and layperson critics. A digital and literary sociological analysis of evaluative talk of literature through the prism of literary prizes (2007-2017)”. The project is supervised by Prof. Gunther Martens, Prof. Daan Vandenhaute, Prof. Henk Roose, Prof. Lars Bernaerts and Prof. Veronique...Read full biography

Dr. Joren Six

Dr. Joren Six is a postdoctoral research fellow at IPEM, a Ghent University research institute for systematic musicology. He holds a MA in Computer Science and a PhD in Musicology. His research is situated in the fields of Music Informatics, Music Information Retrieval and Computational Ethnomusicology.

His PhD explored the interplay of music research and...Read full biography

Dr. Tielke Uvin

Dr. Tielke Uvin researches 18th-century print culture and publishing history. Her PhD project "Cheap Print and Mass Instruction: Isaac Watts's Divine Songs ​and the Dissemination of Literary Culture, 1715-ca. 1835" examined the role of cheap reprints in the canonisation of the work of Isaac Watts. Tielke is currently preparing a postdoctoral project in which she hopes to expand her earlier research in...Read full biography

Former members

Dr. Federica Bressan

Former member of the DH Research Lab.
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Dr. Thorsten Ries

Former member of the DH Research Lab.
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Dr. Annemieke Romein

Former member of the DH Research Lab.
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Dr. Jasper Schelstraete

Former member of the DH Research Lab.
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Dr. Jetze Touber

Former member of the DH Research Lab.
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